The Journal of Studies on Citizenship and Sustainability is a publication of the CIVE - Center of Studies and Civic Intervention, initiative promoted by the Institute of Sociology - University of Porto, with the support of several institutional partners. More detailed information about the Cive Morum can be found at http://civemorum.com.pt.
The Cive Morum was created with the intention of promoting and divulgating the production of knowledge in the areas of sustainable consumption; economics, politics and ethics; human rights; social movements and civic participation; multiculturalism; preservation of cultural and environmental heritage; corporate social responsibility; solidarity and social inclusion.
It is an annual periodic that is only available online. The moment of publication is the month of November of each year. Both the publication and access to the publications are free, without costs for authors and readers. Have as official languages the Portuguese, English and Spanish, being accepted the submission of papers in any of the languages.
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